Cus­to­mer ser­vice

makes us hap­py


Engi­nee­ring plastics pro­vi­de high per­for­mance and are escpe­cial­ly resistant to heat, che­mi­cals, impact and fire. They have high mecha­ni­cal strength.

Soft PVC

  • Good mecha­ni­cal pro­per­ties
  • Broad che­mi­cal resis­tance
  • Low wear
  • High trans­pa­ren­cy
  • High cold frac­tu­re resis­tance
  • High aging- and UV-light resis­tance

Avail­ab­le as cut-to-size, she­ets, hoses or hose parts.


Hard PVC

Hard PVC does not con­tain any plasti­ci­zers and is the­re­fo­re cha­rac­te­ri­zed by high mecha­ni­cal strength and hard­ness com­pa­red to soft PVC. The electri­cal insu­la­ti­on pro­per­ties are suf­fi­ci­ent for most app­li­ca­ti­ons. Hard PVC can be easi­ly used up to a tem­pe­ra­tu­re of 60°C. Howe­ver, emb­ritt­le­ment must be expec­ted at low tem­pe­ra­tures.


Poly­car­bo­na­te (PC)

Poly­car­bo­na­te has high strength, impact resis­tance, stiff­ness and is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by very high dimen­sio­nal sta­bi­li­ty. Even at tem­pe­ra­tures below free­zing poly­car­bo­na­te has excel­lent impact strength. PC has low water absorp­ti­on and is also heat resistant. The mate­ri­al is easy to ther­mo­form.


Poly­oxy­me­thy­le­ne (POM)

Poly­oxy­me­thy­le­ne has high hard­ness, stiff­ness, duc­ti­li­ty and heat resis­tance. In addi­ton, the mate­ri­al has good dimen­sio­nal sta­bi­li­ty, electri­cal insu­la­ti­on and sli­ding pro­per­ties. POM has also good wear beha­viour and is resistant to stress cracking.


Poly­ami­de (PA)

Poly­ami­de has high strength, hard­ness, abra­si­on resis­tance, impact and not­ched impact strength. Fur­ther­mo­re, poly­ami­de offers high wear and heat resis­tance as well as good sli­ding and emer­gen­cy run­ning pro­per­ties. Poly­ami­des are resistant to hydro­car­bons (ali­pha­tic and aro­ma­tic), dilu­t­ed alka­lis, alco­hols, oils or gre­a­ses and many more. Howe­ver, the mate­ri­al is not resistant to strong acids and alka­lis or chlo­ri­na­ted hydro­car­bons.


We would like to point out that the indi­vi­du­al app­li­ca­ti­on con­di­ti­ons have an influ­ence on the pro­per­ties of each sin­gle pro­duct. For this rea­son the cus­to­mer is respon­si­ble to per­form a sui­ta­bi­li­ty test of the mate­ri­als. The use of our mate­ri­als is exclu­si­ve­ly wit­hin the user’s respon­si­bi­li­ty.