Der Dienst am Kun­den

makes us hap­py

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Data she­ets

AFIT® Mul­ti (175 KB)
Tes­ted accord­ing to Elas­to­merleit­li­nie (ELL) for con­ta­ct with drin­king water


Cer­ti­fi­ca­te resour­ces SAVED 2019 (1,05 MB)

BA 50 grün (168 KB)
Tes­ted accord­ing to Elas­to­merleit­li­nie (ELL) for con­ta­ct with drin­king water

Cer­ti­fi­ca­te ISO 9001:2015 (138 KB)

CR white 65±5° Sh.A, FDA (55 KB)

Cer­ti­fi­ca­te ISO 9001:2015 (163 KB)

EPDM white 65 ±5° Sh.A, FDA (56 KB)

Zer­ti­fi­kat Über­prü­fung der Dich­tungs­her­stel­lung gemäß VdTÜV-Merk­blatt Dich­tung 100 (43 KB)

EPDM 65±5 °Sh.A (54 KB)


Gene­ral Terms and Con­di­ti­ons

Gra­phi­te with sheet steel 1.4401 (60 KB)

HT-Sili­kon 60 ±5° Sh.A opak (56 KB)

NBR white 60 ±5° Sh.A, FDA (55 KB)

Para grey 40±5 °Sh.A (54 KB)

PTFE vir­gi­nal / PTFE 25 % glass (55 KB)

PTFE vir­gi­nal white (55 KB)

SBR 65±5° Sh.A (52 KB)

Sili­kon 60±5° Sh.A trans­pa­rent (56 KB)

Fle­xi­ble Glim­mer sheet SW-Temp (60 KB)

Kera­fix® 2000 Mat (740 KB)
Buil­ding mate­ri­al class A1 (non-flamm­a­ble) accord­ing to DIN 4102–1