Cus­to­mer ser­vice

makes us hap­py


This over­view shows a selec­tion elas­to­mer mate­ri­als that are pro­ces­sed in our com­pa­ny.

A diver­se stock with dif­fe­rent mate­ri­als ensu­res a fle­xi­ble avai­la­bi­li­ty of the requi­red pro­ducts.

Plea­se find fur­ther details in our down­load area or get in Con­ta­ct with us.


Average mecha­ni­cal pro­per­ties, easy bon­d­ing.
Also avail­ab­le with fab­ric insert.


Para, grey

Very good mecha­ni­cal pro­per­ties. High-elastic, with very good rebound and reco­very values, ten­si­le strength, abra­si­on resis­tance and notch tough­ness. Resistant to many dilu­t­ed acids and alka­lis. Low shore hard­nes­ses.



Resistant to UV light and Ozone as well as nume­rous dilu­t­ed acids and weak alka­lis. Avail­ab­le in dif­fe­rent shore hard­nes­ses.


CR/SBR, white

Resistant to UV light and Ozone as well as nume­rous dilu­t­ed acids and weak alka­lis. FDA-com­pli­ant.



Can be used in oily envi­ron­ments. Good resis­tance to oil and gre­a­se. Avail­ab­le in varous shore hard­nes­ses and also with fab­ric inlay and bio­die­sel-resistant.


NBR, white

Resistant to oil and gre­a­se. Sui­ta­ble for the food indus­try, FDA-com­pli­ant.



Good resis­tance to wea­the­ring, aging, UV-light and Ozone. Resistant to nume­rous dilu­t­ed acids, weak alka­lis and sol­vents. Avail­ab­le in dif­fe­rent shore hard­nes­ses and spe­cial qua­li­ties.


EPDM, white

Good resis­tance to wea­the­ring, aging, UV-light and Ozone. Resistant to nume­rous dilu­t­ed acids, weak alka­lis and sol­vents. Sui­ta­ble for the food indus­try, FDA-com­pli­ant.



For very high requier­ments. Very good resis­tance to wea­the­ring, aging, UV-light and Ozone. Resistant to many acids, alka­lis and fuels. High sta­bi­li­ty against heat and very good resis­tance to oils and gre­a­ses.


FKM white

For very high requier­ments. Very good resis­tance to wea­the­ring, aging, UV-light and Ozone. Resistant to many acids, alka­lis and fuels. Sta­bi­li­ty against heat and very good resis­tance to oils and gre­a­ses. Sui­ta­ble for the food indus­try, FDA-com­pli­ant.


Rub­ber-cork PR 82

Medi­um-grai­ned cork gra­nu­la­te with PUR-bond, red-brown, oil-resistant.



De to their excel­lent mecha­ni­cal pro­per­ties poly­ure­tha­nes are sui­ta­ble for app­li­ca­ti­ons that requi­re high wear resis­tance



This mate­ri­al is a poly­ure­tha­ne elas­to­mer. It is carac­te­ri­zed by out­stan­ding pro­per­ties such as high dyna­mic load, impact elasti­ci­ty with a lower com­pres­si­on set and excel­lent mecha­ni­cal wear resis­tance.


Seals made of nume­rous addi­tio­nal mate­ri­als with dif­fe­rent pro­per­ties are of cour­se avaible on request. Get in con­ta­ct with us now — we are hap­py to advi­se you!

We would like to point out that the indi­vi­du­al app­li­ca­ti­on con­di­ti­ons have an influ­ence on the pro­per­ties of each indi­vi­du­al pro­duct.
For this rea­son the cus­to­mer is respon­si­ble to per­form a sui­ta­bi­li­ty test of the mate­ri­als.
The use of our mate­ri­als is exclu­si­ve­ly wit­hin the user’s respon­si­bi­li­ty.