inspire our customers
Our services for your success
Contract manufacturing service
We process your materials
With our modern machine park we process your materials. Learn more:
New production of your old gasket
We manufacture a new version of your old gasket — using a sketch or the original.
We have over 30 years of expertise in the field of sealing and insulation technology. Together with you we delevop individual products — perfectly adapted to your specific requirements. Our technicians will be happy to advise you on the selection of materials and the design of your gasket.
Our technicians are constantly searching for new materials or the improvement of existing ones. We are supported by renowned partners with their test labs, such as Frenzelit®, CooperStandard® or REGUPOL BSW®. Furthermore, we are in a permanent, extensive process of in-house developments.
On request we provide you with sample seals for your application. Whether individual requirements, small series or large series — we serve every customer with the same attention. Another advantage: with our 3D printing service we can also supply prototypes or spare parts made of plastics.
In our Download-Area we provide data sheets, documents, technical information and certificates. Should you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.