Cus­to­mer ser­vice

makes us hap­py

Our pro­duct port­fo­lio

Seals and gra­phi­te gas­kets as well as porous rub­ber stam­pings,
Hart­zell stam­ped parts and sili­co­ne gas­kets from our pro­duc­tion are used in several indus­tries world­wi­de.

Seals for the food and beverage, machi­ne and piping indus­try are part of our pro­duct ran­ge
as well as boi­ler seals, washing machi­ne under­lays, anti-slip mats and self-adhe­si­ve seals.

The gas­kets can be manu­fac­tu­red accord­ing to Ger­man, Euro­pean or inter­na­tio­nal stan­dards
or can be deve­lo­ped and pro­du­ced indi­vi­du­al­ly accord­ing to cus­to­mer requi­re­ments.
We advi­se you on the selec­tion of mate­ri­als accord­ing to your spe­ci­fic app­li­ca­ti­on con­di­ti­ons
and con­si­der requi­red appro­vals such as DVGW, TA-Luft or FDA con­for­mi­ty.

Ask for your sam­ples now: Con­ta­ct form for sam­ples



EPDM, NBR/SBR, Neo­pre­ne, NBR, REGUPOL®, CSM, Soft PVC, Sili­co­ne, FKM, Poly­ure­tha­ne,
Vul­kol­lan®, Agglo­me­ra­ted cork, Rub­ber Mats


Fiber mate­ri­als

AFIT® Mul­ti, Tes­nit® BA-50TESNIT® BA-SOFT, AFM 34®, REINZOLOID FS 53®, 
KLINGERSIL® C‑4400, KLINGERSIL® C‑4500, KLINGERSIL® C‑4430, Abil® and Lowo­flex®


Sili­co­ne mate­ri­als

Sili­co­ne trans­pa­rent (FDA-com­pli­ant); sili­co­ne in dif­fe­rent shore-hard­nes­ses and colours/qualities
e. g. blue, white, red-brown; sili­co­ne high temp and sili­co­ne foam


Cel­lu­lar mate­ri­als

EPDM cel­lu­lar rub­ber, NR/SBR cel­lu­lar rub­ber, spon­ge rub­ber,
cel­lu­lar po­ly­ethy­lene, PUR foam and mela­mi­ne resin foam

Kuhn und Kaiser 3D-Druckservice

3‑D Print/Rapid Pro­to­typ­ing

Our new 3D prin­ting ser­vice offers modern pos­si­bi­li­ties for the indi­vi­du­al pro­duc­tion
of pro­to­ty­pes, small seri­es and spa­re parts for app­li­ca­ti­ons in the indus­tri­al and craft sec­tor

Kuhn und Kaiser Schalrohrdichtung

Shut­te­ring slee­ve seals

The shut­te­ring slee­ve seals pre­vent the under­cas­ting from ent­e­ring the shut­te­ring
tubes for ham­mer­head screws and threa­ded bolts. The­re is no need for remo­val after instal­la­ti­on.


Gra­phi­te mate­ri­als

Gra­phi­te with tan­ged steel rein­for­ce­ment, gra­phi­te with sheet metal, Sig­raflex® pro­ducts
and Frenz­elit® nova­phit SSTC TRD 401



PTFE vir­gi­nal, white, PTFE vir­gi­nal / 25 % glass and soft PTFE / ePT­FE


Insu­la­ti­on mate­ri­al

Mica, Kera­fix® 2000, ROKU® FIL PL 1200, ROKU® Therm and Nefa­lit® Anti Damp


Metal seals

Seals and gas­kets made of steel, iron or non-fer­rous metals as well as rub­ber-steel gas­kets;
for examp­le Kamm­pro­fi­le gas­kets and Spi­ral Wound gas­kets


Regu­pol ®

Brand of REGUPOL BSW® for various app­li­ca­ti­ons, e. g. rub­ber mats for impact
insu­la­ting lay­ers, vibra­ti­on insu­la­tio­n­and schock absorp­ti­on, buid­ling pro­tec­tion mats or load secu­ri­ty


Indus­tri­al deman­ds

PTFE flat sealing strip one-sided self-adhe­si­ve, thread tape, O‑rings, pro­files and mol­d­ed parts
as well as rub­ber-steel-gas­kets



Soft PVC, hard PVC, Poly­car­bo­nate (PC), Poly­oxy­me­thy­lene (POM) and Poly­amide (PA)