Cus­to­mer ser­vice

makes us hap­py

Gra­phi­te mate­ri­als

Gra­phi­te with tan­ged stain­less steel rein­for­ce­ment

This gas­ket mate­ri­al is made of a tan­ged stain­less steel insert (0.1 mm, 1.4401) which is cove­r­ed on both sides with gra­phi­te mate­ri­al. The con­nec­tion is non-adhe­si­ve. The cover lay­ers are imp­reg­na­ted.


Gra­phi­te with stain­less steel sheet rein­for­ce­ment

Gas­kets made of gra­phi­te with sheet steel are pro­du­ced from a sheet with two-sided gra­phi­te covers.


SIGRAFLEX® Pro­ducts

SIGRAFLEX® is a fle­xi­ble gra­phi­te mate­ri­al pro­du­ced by ther­mal decom­po­si­ti­on of gra­phi­te inter­ca­la­ti­on com­pounds. The resul­ting pure gra­phi­te flakes are pro­ces­sed into foils and she­ets by pres­sing.

SIGRAFLEX® pro­ducts are resistant to most media.


SIGRAFLEX® foils are used for cri­ti­cal app­li­ca­ti­ons in val­ve and plant engi­nee­ring to pre­vent cor­ro­si­on at sealing points and thus avoid cost-inten­si­ve repairs or down­ti­mes.


SIGRAFLEX® STANDARD is a non-rein­for­ced, imp­reg­na­ted sheet mate­ri­al of natu­ral gra­phi­te.


SIGRAFLEX® ECONOMY is a natu­ral gra­phi­te sheet mate­ri­al with bond­ed stain­less steel foil rein­for­ce­ment.


SIGRAFLEX® UNIVERSAL is an adhe­si­ve-free gra­phi­te sealing-sheet made of fle­xi­ble gra­phi­te foil with one or two tan­ged stain­less steel rein­for­ce­ments.


SIGRAFLEX® HOCHDRUCK is a mul­ti­lay­er high-strength gra­phi­te sealing sheet made of 0.5 mm thick lay­ers of high-puri­ty gra­phi­te foil and 0.05 mm thick stain­less steel foils.


nova­phit® SSTCTRD 401

nova­phit® SSTCTRD 401 is a gas­ket mate­ri­al made of expan­ded gra­phi­te with an acid-pro­of expan­ded metal insert made of chro­me nickel steel, for oval clo­sure lid gas­kets for pressure/steam ves­sels. The mate­ri­al is cha­rac­ta­ri­zed by out­stan­ding adap­ta­bi­li­ty and resi­li­ent pro­per­ties. Is is the­re­fo­re per­fect as the stan­dard mate­ri­al for man, head and hand hole gas­kets on steam boi­lers.


Seals made of other gra­phi­te mate­ri­als from renow­ned manu­fac­ture­res are of cour­se also avail­ab­le on request.

Gas­kets made of gra­phi­te mate­ri­als with flan­ges are also avail­ab­le.

Get in con­ta­ct with us now — we are hap­py to advi­se you!

SIGRAFLEX® is a regis­tered Euro­pean trade­mark of SGL Car­bon SE. nova­phit® SSTCTRD 401 is regis­tered trade­mark of Frenz­elit GmbH.

We would like to point out that the indi­vi­du­al app­li­ca­ti­on con­di­ti­ons have an influ­ence on the pro­per­ties of each sin­gle pro­duct. For this rea­son the cus­to­mer is respon­si­ble to per­form a sui­ta­bi­li­ty test of the mate­ri­als. The use of our mate­ri­als is exclu­si­ve­ly wit­hin the user’s respon­si­bi­li­ty.