Cus­to­mer ser­vice

makes us hap­py

Sili­co­ne mate­ri­als

Sili­co­ne, trans­pa­rent

  • Resistant to acids, alka­lis and aging
  • Tem­pe­ra­tu­re ran­ge approx. ‑60° to 230 ° Cel­si­us
  • FDA com­pli­ant
  • On stock in many mate­ri­al thic­knes­ses

Sili­co­ne, blue, white, red-brown

  • Resistant to avids, alka­lis and aging
  • FDA com­pli­ant
  • On stock in many mate­ri­al thic­knes­ses
  • Sui­ta­ble for use at ‑40° to +200° Cel­si­us

Sili­co­ne high temp

  • Sili­co­ne HT is sui­ta­bel for tem­pe­ra­tures of + 300° and for short cycles up to + 315° Cel­si­us
  • Mate­ri­al avail­ab­le on stock in she­ets with red-brown and white color

Sili­co­ne foam

  • Clo­sed-cell and easy-to-deform sealing mate­ri­al
  • Also avail­ab­le as one-sided self-adhe­si­ve
  • Sui­ta­ble for use at ‑40° to +200° Cel­si­us

We would like to point out that the indi­vi­du­al app­li­ca­ti­on con­di­ti­ons have an influ­ence on the pro­per­ties of each sin­gle pro­duct. For this rea­son the cus­to­mer is respon­si­ble to per­form a sui­ta­bi­li­ty test of the mate­ri­als. The use of our mate­ri­als is exclu­si­ve­ly wit­hin the user’s respon­si­bi­li­ty.