Cus­to­mer ser­vice

makes us hap­py


REGUPOL® is the lea­ding inter­na­tio­nal brand for elastic indus­tri­al pro­ducts of REGUPOL BSW® GmbH
and is today in use world­wi­de in a wide varie­ty of app­li­ca­ti­ons. REGUPOL® is a com­pound of rub­ber gra­nu­les or
fibers with bin­ding com­pon­ents. The main are­as of app­li­ca­ti­on inclu­de load secu­ring, acoustics, buil­ding pro­tec­tion
as well as sport & fit­ness such as fall pro­tec­tion mats, sports floo­rs and under­lays for fit­ness equip­ment.

Mate­ri­al pro­per­ties: Ful­ly elastic, water-per­me­ab­le, wea­ther-resistant, quick-dry­ing and non-slip.

The mate­ri­al is avail­ab­le in various colors, designs and pro­per­ties. We pro­cess REGUPOL® into
mats, cut-to-size parts, pads and other geo­me­tries accord­ing to cus­to­mer requi­re­ments and dimen­si­ons.

Do you have fur­ther ques­ti­ons or requi­re more detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on?
Then get in con­ta­ct with us — we are hap­py to advi­se you: Con­ta­ct

REGUPOL® resist

REGUPOL® resist is made of PUR-bond­ed rub­ber gra­nu­les and fibers. Accord­ing to DIN 18195the mate­ri­al is a clas­si­fied pro­tec­tion lay­er.
REGUPOL® resist is a ver­sa­ti­le mate­ri­al which is used for examp­le for pro­tec­tion pur­po­ses in mem­bra­nes and insu­la­ti­ons.
We pro­cess REGUPOL® resist in stan­dard thic­knes­ses of 5, 6, 8 and 20 mm to pads, mats, cut-to-size parts and strips accord­ing to indi­vi­du­al cus­to­mer requi­re­ments.*


REGUPOL® resist solar AK

REGUPOL® resist solar AK is an opti­mi­zed ver­si­on of the ori­gin per­fect­ly adap­ted for bea­ring solar sys­tems on flat roofs.
The alu­mi­ni­um triplex foil lami­na­ted on the under­si­de reli­ab­ly pre­vents plasti­ci­zer migra­ti­on bet­ween non-rub­ber-com­pe­ti­ti­ve mem­bra­nes and the pro­tec­tion lay­er.
We pro­cess REGUPOL® resist solar AK in a stan­dard thic­kness of 10 mm to cut-to-size parts, strips and mats accord­ing to cus­to­mer requi­re­ments.*



REGUPOL® 6510 G is a pro­duct made of PUR-bond­ed rub­ber gra­nu­les which used in both the con­struc­tion and indus­tri­al sec­tors.
The mate­ri­al is black or black/multicolored and has a tem­pe­ra­tu­re resis­tance of ‑40° to +115° C.
We pro­cess REGUPOL® 6510 G in stan­dard thic­knes­ses of 10, 15 and 20 mm into cut-to-size pie­ces, mats, pads or strips accord­ing to cus­to­mer requi­re­ments.*


REGUPOL car­go mat 7210®

The REGUPOL car­go mat 7210® anti-slip mat is desi­gned for average weights of up to 250 t/m² (2.50 N/mm² at 8 mm thic­kness)
and thus pro­vi­des a secu­re basis for trans­port and load secu­ring in this area.
The mate­ri­al is par­ti­cu­lar­ly long-las­ting and resi­li­ent with a reli­able fric­tion coef­fi­ci­ent.
We pro­cess REGUPOL car­go mat 7210® in 3, 4, 6 and 8 mm thic­kness into pads, mats or strips accord­ing to cus­to­mer requi­re­ments.*


REGUPOL car­go mat 9510®

For more deman­ding and sen­si­ti­ve trans­ports with a maxi­mum load of 350 t/m² (= 3.50 N/mm² at 8 mm thic­kness)
the REGUPOL car­go mat 9510® is the right choice. The anti-slip mat comes in a spe­ci­fic mul­ti-color design for clear iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on,
which howe­ver lea­ves no stains on car­go. This allows direct con­ta­ct bet­ween the mate­ri­al and the trans­por­ted goods.
We pro­cess REGUPOL car­go mat 9510® in a stan­dard thic­kness of 10 mm into pads, mats or strips accord­ing to cus­to­mer requi­re­ments.*



REGUFOAM® is a mix-cell poly­ure­tha­ne foam which was basi­cal­ly deve­lo­ped for vibra­ti­on dam­ping and struc­tu­re-bor­ne sound deco­u­pling.
Due to the dif­fe­rent den­si­ties of the foam, dif­fe­rent phy­si­cal values can be achie­ved, which play an important role in the field of app­li­ca­ti­on.


*Fur­ther thic­knes­ses avail­ab­le on request.

REGUFOAM® and REGUPOL® are a regis­tered trade­marks of REGUPOL BSW® GmbH